Buying New Land? Make Sure You Do These 2 Things First

Posted on: 29 May 2019
If you are purchasing new land, before you spend this great deal of money there are things you should do first. Below are two of these things so you can know if this land will work out well for you and the purpose you are using the land for. Get an ALTA Survey An ALTA (American Land Title Association) is a detailed survey that is done by a licensed and registered professional surveyor.
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Landscaping Tips For Low-Maintenance Flower Beds

Posted on: 17 March 2019
Do you love lush flower beds around a home, but hate the amount of effort it takes to maintain them and keep them free of weeds? If so, then don't give up on your flower beds just yet. There are landscaping tactics you can implement that will allow you to enjoy your flower beds without all the backbreaking hours of weeding and yard work. The following tips are just what you need.
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How To Control Ticks In Your Yard

Posted on: 26 June 2018
Ticks are more than just a nuisance; they also carry diseases that can affect humans and pets. Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever are two well known tick-borne illnesses, but they aren't the only ones. Babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, and relapsing fever are just a few more diseases to be concerned about. While it's smart to take precautions when hiking in the woods, it can be frustratingly hard to have to take these same precautions each time you step into your yard.
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Hire A Land Clearing Service To Get Your Overgrown Land Ready For A Swimming Pool

Posted on: 19 June 2018
A backyard pool is a great investment when you love to swim and lounge in the water. A pool brings a lot of enjoyment for the entire family, and it is even a nice backdrop for entertaining. However, if your property is crowded with trees and overgrowth, you may think putting in a pool is a daunting task. It all starts with clearing the land. Here's how it's done. Bring In A Land Clearing Service
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